For something sturdier and able to go the extra mile, many truckers turn to diesel trucks. These heavy-duty vehicles can be particularly helpful for those who drive over long distances, so if this is something you’ve been considering, it might be time to take the plunge.


Many people switch to diesel trucks because, in the long run, it’s going to save them a lot of money. Sure, they’re a little more expensive than their gasoline counterparts and diesel prices are marginally higher, so the average commuter doesn’t necessarily benefit from making the switch, but you’re not the average commuter. Diesel burns slower than gasoline. If you’re clocking enough miles, then this means your engine is going to be more fuel efficient, by as much as 6-8 mpg.

Diesel trucks also tend to last longer. This is because their engines require a more durable frame to contain them, which then naturally holds out longer over time. They don’t require spark plugs and have fewer cylinders. When you have fewer moving parts, there are fewer things that can break and require repair. Overall, you’ll be able to drive your truck longer before you’ve to make a major repair or replace it all together.


Of course, all the savings in the world don’t matter if a truck can’t perform. Luckily for you, this isn’t a worry for diesel models. They get incredible hauling power, even at extreme payloads. Even if you have to squeeze through city streets, sometimes the diesel engine is well worth it to haul your cargo efficiently. They also generate better torque and come with higher compression cylinders, so even the few they’re working with are working more efficiently than the ones in a gas truck.

There are lots of other great reasons to upgrade to a diesel truck, but the best way to know for sure if it’s right for you is to check them out for yourself and talk to the experts at RWC Group. With locations throughout the western US, we proudly serve all those in Arizona, Alaska, California, Oregon and Washington, so get in touch with us today!