There are many aspects of truck maintenance that get neglected. While you want to stay on top of them all, truck tire maintenance should always be considered a high priority. When you take good care of your tires, you’ll prolong their lifespan while also keeping your heavy vehicle out of the repair shop for as long as possible. We have created this guide with some important tips to help you get started.

Preventative Maintenance Tasks

This might seem obvious, but the more preventative truck tire maintenance that you do, the better chance you have of preventing or reducing damage. It doesn’t hurt that you’ll also be extending the overall life of your tires. When you replace your tires less often, you’ll save money in the long run.

Wash the Tires

One task that requires your attention is keeping the tires of your truck clean. Roads are full of things that can damage the rubber, and the longer things like salt, ice, and road debris stay on your tire, the more wear and tear they will cause. Fortunately, all you have to do is use a powerful hose to wash the wheels.

Visual Inspection

A visual inspection is an important step in maintaining your tires. This will allow you to easily spot and address some problems like a flat, scalping, punctures, and tears. You can also catch minor issues that could indicate long-term issues. Older tires can develop cracks, which is a sign they might be reaching the end of their lifespan.

Taking proper care of your truck tires will increase their lifespan and enhance fuel efficiency. If you’re after a new or used truck or are in need of parts and service, visit RWC Group. We have several dealerships throughout the Western United States, including Arizona, California, Alaska, and Washington, so get in touch with us at your nearest location today!